Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 28: What is the difference between control and mastery

What is the difference between control and mastery? What are you trying to keep in control in your life? How many things do you really have mastery over? As long as control is there, misery is there. When mastery is there, love and celebration are there. For control you need power. For mastery all you need is love. Is your life being born out of control or mastery?

I feel completely out of control of so many aspects of my life. And generally, I dislike that feeling very much. Even the few things I think I have control over, in the I don't--or if I do, it's not satisfying... And he's right, it is misery inducing.

I am trying to learn to just be. It's almost like when you fight for control, you never get it. But if you surrender, or something, then things seem to come a little bit easier.

Maybe that is what mastery is. Surrendering to love.

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