Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 8: Where is your light shining?

Where are you shining your light? What is it shining towards? Where are you shining the light of your consciousness towards?

It's like driving rural roads at night with your high beams on at night, all you can see is what the light illuminates. In the video he says: "if you shine your light towards problems, you only see problems, if you shine your light towards solutions you only see solutions..."

It's an interesting concept. I like the sound of it. It sounds "out there" or "hippy" or something... but it makes sense. It's like what you invest in, focus on, put your energies too ends up constructing your world.

And I know for myself it's so easy to get caught up in everything that's wrong, all the ways that my life isn't what I dreamed or hoped or imagined.

But right now my light is shining on solutions. Options. Hope. HOPE... that's a start.

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