Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 10: What are you reforming?

What are you reforming? With every action, every thought, every reaction, what are you reforming.

In the video he says we are reformers; that we are always participating in some kind of reformation. He links the process to potentially bringing back to innocence and to healing. For me, the language is kind of weird. Like what does reformation really mean?


1. the act of reforming; state of being reformed.
2. (initial capital letter) the religious movement in the 16th century that had for its object the reform of the Roman Catholic Church, and that led to the establishment of the Protestant churches

1. improvement, betterment, correction, reform.


–verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
to form again.

Right. I knew that already. Still makes me feel kind of stuck.

I understand the concept. What (or who?) am I improving, bettering, correcting? Am I an active participant in my own re-creation, in my own formation, in the formation of those around me. In what ways do I want to be reformed or recreated...???

Good questions. Answers are harder.

I am reforming my diet.

I am reforming my lifestyle.

I am reforming my training plans.

I am reforming my spirituality.

Constantly longing to be a better partner, friend, family member.

I am definitely reforming myself.

I am participating in my own reformation at the very least.

I am reforming my mind... trying to quiet it... trying to teach it to be mindful...

I am reforming my health, or maybe reforming my wellness.

I want to be part of the reformation of others.... But only in a healthy sense, where I am partnering with them in their goals/vision... rather than trying to make them something I want them to be... but rather that we are journeying side by side to our own unfoldment.

Wow, I totally sound like a hippie. I think I'm ok with that. I am finding this process of self-awareness so compelling, although difficult at times.

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