Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 42: Remember you are not separate

Remember you are not separate from everything, but you are one.

You are part of this cosmos. You are part of this earth. You are part of this land, this country, this human race.

Drop the idea of separation. Recognize we are all the same: same wants, same love, same needs.

What happens to one, affects another. Even what we do privately, can affect others. Any kind of "us and them" terminology creates distance, almost promotes superiority, outgroups people because of one thing or another.

On some profound level I think we all know we are deeply connected to everything around us. Even our smallest decisions can contribute to large effects. It's sobering, but I also find it empowering. What I do might not change the world, it might not fix every problem; but, what I do does have an effect and that matters.

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