Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 41: What do you have to do versus what do you have to allow to happen?

Come to the synthesis between all that you can do and all that has to happen. The master masters action and the unfolding. There is synthesis between what I have to do and what has to happen.

One is action, the next is surrender.

I think this is quite beautiful too. In the video he talks about a metaphor for this concept, using a farmer. What the farmer can do is plant the seeds, water, fertilize, but the growing happens as a result, it unfolds. He can't literally grow the plant, but he can do everything to set up the growth and then wait and let it unfold.

It makes me think of what I would describe as striving. Striving, to me, means desperately trying to force things to be a certain way, in a way that is stressful and desperate, and sadly, rarely results in what you are after.

If I think of this in terms of beating cancer, it's a much healthier view-point. I have died to that decision, it is my goal. I am doing everything I can to set up the best possible chance for health, wellness, recovery. I have to then let it go, rest in it, watch and wait, continue to water/fertilize/weed and then allow what will unfold as a result to unfold.

I can't force a remission. I can't force healing. But I can do everything to encourage those things to happen. And I am. And I do.

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