Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 52: Explore what it means to give/share?

Misery is born out of miserly-ness. Life begins when you start sharing.

What is giving? What is sharing?

If you look at nature it gives, it flows. It takes to give.

For me, most things in life are better shared. Most things are better when we give ourselves fully to the experience. Even in relationship, the more you risk, the more you share and give of yourselves, the deeper and richer it can be. When you hold back, when you hide, when you cower out of fear of getting hurt if you are too vulnerable, it chokes the richness out, it begins a severing.

He talks about nature and how it is always giving. But it takes to give. For example, it takes nutrients from the soil to grow and provide fruit or shade etc.

And I think there is a degree of reciprocity that is required in order for sharing to be at it's best. I mean if you give and give and give, and no one ever gives to you, you burn out or get bitter or feel slighted. However, when, for example, two people are sharing and giving and both are soaring to new highs on how they can give of themselves to the other things flow back and forth.

It's like a circle, it doesn't being or end anymore, it just continues to flow back and forth.

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