Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 53: Find your Meditation

Meditation is the state that one comes to when one has exhausted giving.

If you have not given, or spent your energy, so you are not restless, you can be silent and tranquil.

Meditation is resting to collect engergy, and then sharing it.

It's like a circle. I find meditation really hard. Maybe it's because I have energy to spare, although it doesn't feel that way most of the time. My mind is just a jumble of thoughts and being still and quieting my mind is so very difficult. So.Very.Difficult.

I have been reading about meditation and cancer. It was in a book, the the essentials are summarized here:

I really want to learn how to meditate.

1 comment:

  1. Breathe in His peace and grace, breathe out anxiety, fear...Let His love hold you in the quietness...
    Sweet one, you are loved, so very, very much...
