Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 57: What is the content of your consciousness?

Be mindful of what you are resting the light of your consciousness on. If you are bring light to the miserable parts, you may be missing out on all the beautiful...

Where does your consciousness dwell, because what you are conscious of IS (becomes) your reality?

Choose the content of your consciousness deliberately.

I wish I could say that my thoughts focus on whatever is good, right, true, praiseworthy, excellent... etc. But that is not always the case. Maybe not even often the case, but I am trying.

There's a pop culture movement or saying which basically goes along the lines of "change your thoughts--change your life," and although sometimes this stretches into things like "if you visualize money and success you will get it..." I think, generally it makes sense.

Not because if I think about a big house one will come to me. But if I, instead of focusing on my lack, focus on what I have then my life seems (and is) richer and better for it. The funny thing about this kind of thinking, is that nothing really changes at all, in terms of the circumstances of life. But because our thoughts shape our feelings, we feel better, and so we are better.

I get these "Notes from the Universe" every day. You can sign up to have them emailed to you. Yesterday, this is the note I got:

If suddenly and without warning, Seana, you had absolutely nothing to worry about, do you know what the world would begin to look like?

Un-huh, exactly the same as it does right now.

Alright, if suddenly you had absolutely nothing to be afraid of, do you know what you'd begin to look like right now?

Yeah, cool as ever.

OK, OK. If suddenly you had absolutely no expectations to live up to and no one to disappoint, do you know how free you'd suddenly be?

Yeah, same, same. Get it?

The only thing that would really change is your thoughts. And you don't need circumstances or other people to help you with that, do you?

I say it's time to blow the lid off this popsicle stand
- The Universe

I think it's quite fitting.

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