Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 51: Consider... The best of you is actually there for the rest of mankind

If you have a gift, like brains, art, music, whatever, can you see that that gift is not just for you, but to be shared with the rest of mankind?

If you can accept that, you cannot hold back....

Vincent and I have talked a lot about this. How, what we have, what we create, should be shared. For example, what's the point (in a way) of making, recording, composing, music... If no one ever hears it?

And, perhaps, there is something to the idea that once you accept that what you've been given (blessed with?) is not just for you BUT for you to pass along, for you to give to others (for you to bless others with); maybe that's where creativity really starts to flow. Maybe that's when these "gifts" (and we ourselves) find there place in the world.

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