Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 60: What creates stress in you?

When you are grounded, stress disappears. Stress is hoping it will rain tomorrow, when you have no control it will rain.
Stress is trying to do things, beyond your control. Stress disappears when you understand how things are. If you know it takes 12 hours for the tide to come in, there is no need to be stressed about it. But if you want it to come in 3 hours, you will be stessed some.
What creates stress for me? Can you understand the birth of stress?
How can you undo the stress? Can you live a stress-free life?
Investigate how you can free yourself from stress.

It all comes down to control. I think I like control. I think I have this illusion that I have control over some areas of my life... When, if I actually think about it, there is very little I can actually control. Furthermore, can I effect any change by getting stressed out or worried about something? No.

So why do I do it to myself?
And how can I live a stress free life? I think the answer lies in letting go. In surrender. And I know those things, in my life at least, need work.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 60: Are you an existential person?

An existential person is in touch with what is.

I think I am in touch with what reality really is. At the same time there is a healthy dose of romanticism, optimism, and faith.

I think it's a good balance.

Unless the question is really getting at some larger reality, a deeper reality, a mode of being that most of us don't normally engage in-or aren't normally aware of... I'll have to think about this.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 59: Adventuring

To live in adventure, one must be creative. Adventure is moving into the unknown. Have you lived your life as an adventure or have you made your life a safe abode?

My life is an adventure. I don't think I've made many "safe" choices in my life. It's just not part of who I am. If there is a chance to risk, discover, explore, adventure, I AM IN!

Day 58: Become Creative

How creative are you in regards to your life? It's the style of your life? Are you living creatively. To be creative, to live creatively mean to be new and to recognize that you are a creator, you have the potential to create your life?

What kind of life have you created?
Have you lived creatively?
How much more creative can you live?

This is an interesting idea. In my mind it links up to this idea in Christianity that Paul (i think) talked about: we are co-creators with Christ/God. While we may not be able to speak things into being.... we can via our thoughts and actions. I mean, what is there that humans have made that wasn't a thought, a creative impulse, an idea frist?
And if we can invent things like electricity, the internet, space shuttles, and so on, are there really any limits on what we can create?
Whose to say we can't create a world without poverty, without war, without such a disbalance between the rich and the poor... All optomistic ideology aside, even in my life are there really limits to the kind of life I can create for myself? For those around me...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 57: What is the content of your consciousness?

Be mindful of what you are resting the light of your consciousness on. If you are bring light to the miserable parts, you may be missing out on all the beautiful...

Where does your consciousness dwell, because what you are conscious of IS (becomes) your reality?

Choose the content of your consciousness deliberately.

I wish I could say that my thoughts focus on whatever is good, right, true, praiseworthy, excellent... etc. But that is not always the case. Maybe not even often the case, but I am trying.

There's a pop culture movement or saying which basically goes along the lines of "change your thoughts--change your life," and although sometimes this stretches into things like "if you visualize money and success you will get it..." I think, generally it makes sense.

Not because if I think about a big house one will come to me. But if I, instead of focusing on my lack, focus on what I have then my life seems (and is) richer and better for it. The funny thing about this kind of thinking, is that nothing really changes at all, in terms of the circumstances of life. But because our thoughts shape our feelings, we feel better, and so we are better.

I get these "Notes from the Universe" every day. You can sign up to have them emailed to you. Yesterday, this is the note I got:

If suddenly and without warning, Seana, you had absolutely nothing to worry about, do you know what the world would begin to look like?

Un-huh, exactly the same as it does right now.

Alright, if suddenly you had absolutely nothing to be afraid of, do you know what you'd begin to look like right now?

Yeah, cool as ever.

OK, OK. If suddenly you had absolutely no expectations to live up to and no one to disappoint, do you know how free you'd suddenly be?

Yeah, same, same. Get it?

The only thing that would really change is your thoughts. And you don't need circumstances or other people to help you with that, do you?

I say it's time to blow the lid off this popsicle stand
- The Universe

I think it's quite fitting.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 56: Remain Empty

Try to be empty. Try to sit in silence. Try to rest. Just be. For the whole day.

Yah. This is pretty much impossible for me. He says: "I tell you that is the greatest healing that can happen... almost all your diseases are healed when you rest."

Right. I'm working on this whole meditation and stillness thing. I know it's restorative/rejuvinating/healing... I know I haven't "tapped into" the potential of it all yet.

It's a work in progress.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 55: A Meditation Prayer

Everyone needs some guidance. But in order to be guided, you must recognize how you are lost.

So meditate on how you are lost, all you don't understand... then put for a prayer that you would be guided.

Ask for guidance, ask for help, as for your own rescue, as for your own upliftment.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 54: Life is Pure Experience

We don't live in pure experience, we get entangled in it.
To live in experience one must simply sit and be, without interpreting it or disturbing it.
This is essentially what meditation is.

How many times have you heard people say things like: "Wow it's so beautiful here, I've got to come back some day." It's almost as if they don't even realize they already ARE there. I think I live my life like that too often. Because where ever I am, I am thinking about what I need to do next, where I need to go next, instead of just being.

I managed to get into the being-mode on vacation. Because there really was not schedule, nothing you SHOULD be doing... But, otherwise, it's pretty hard.

That's why I'm working on meditation, on being mindful... being aware of the present. Because, that's really all we have. I can get so worried about the future, paying bills, treatments, making ends meet, researching new options, that before you know it, you aren't really living your life, not with any kind of appreciative awareness. Yes, I am still alive, I am surviving, but am I enjoying life? Taking time for the little things? Smelling the flowers?

It's something I am constantly trying to keep in mind.

Day 53: Find your Meditation

Meditation is the state that one comes to when one has exhausted giving.

If you have not given, or spent your energy, so you are not restless, you can be silent and tranquil.

Meditation is resting to collect engergy, and then sharing it.

It's like a circle. I find meditation really hard. Maybe it's because I have energy to spare, although it doesn't feel that way most of the time. My mind is just a jumble of thoughts and being still and quieting my mind is so very difficult. So.Very.Difficult.

I have been reading about meditation and cancer. It was in a book, the the essentials are summarized here:

I really want to learn how to meditate.