Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 18: How do you deny the best of you?

How do you deny the best of you? How do you deny your glory? How do you forsake the best in you?

Like when someone complements you, you say no, no, no... We can be comfortable with the worst of us, but the best of us can be such a challenge.

For me, I know this is true.

I have trouble accepting confidence. I have some false pride about things. But generally I am far more concerned with keeping everyone happy and making sure people think I am "worth" keeping around.

I want to shine. I want to live from that comfortable place of assured confidence, not pride or striving just an easy rest in everything I am and everything I am becoming.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 17: What is sharing?

What is sharing? What does it mean to you to share? He says, for him, sharing is giving the best of me to another. For example a tree shares by it's flowers, it's fragrance, it's fruit.

Sharing is vulnerable and open. It's free. If it's real sharing, it doesn't have expectations and requirements of reciprocity; it might hope for it, but it doesn't expect it or demand it.

Sharing is taking a risk that what you have to offer won't be rejected or deemed unworthy or not good enough. It is being assured that you are, in fact, offering your best, and if that best isn't sufficient for someone else, it is not taken as an offense, it is not accepted and ingrained as a judgment about self-worth.

Sharing is moving towards unity, oneness; it blurs the lines between self and other. It fosters connection and reinforces the interconnections between us all.

Sharing, for me, is freely giving whatever I have, knowing, being assured that I wont be left lacking if I continuously move in generosity.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 16: What does it mean to be there for another?

What does it mean to relate and to be there for someone? To be there for their upliftment, to be there to nurture them, to be there as a witness, to be there as an admirer, as a lover...

To be non-judgmental and accepting.
To listen. To really listen.
To rejoice when they rejoice and mourn when they mourn.
To carry them during the times that can't take another step.
To love them unconditionally.
To look for ways to light them up.
To show your delight in them.
To be present with them, and walk with them on their journey.
To acknowledge their accomplishments.
To encourage them after their failures.
In all ways to facilitate them becoming more themselves.
To be generous and giving.
To give them freedom and not pin them down with expectations.
And over all these things, more love, love, love.

Day 15: What does it mean to be complete?

What does it mean to be complete, to be fulfilled? (When you recognize it, you can go forth and find it).

To have people to love. To be loved. To have pursuits you are passionate about. To have meaningful work/volunteering/expression. To pursue truth. To build a home and a life and a family. To live in the moment as much as possible and be aware of what there is to do/be part of today. To not be too concerned (and overwhelmed) by all the worlds problems, but to do something. To make a difference. A difference to someone, something, a cause, a movement, an individual. To live a life with purpose and realize you matter and what you do matters.